Name, Age and Job Role
Lloyd Woodhouse, aged 19, Nuclear Engineer Apprentice.
Which type of Apprenticeship are you doing or have you completed?
Nuclear Engineering Degree apprenticeship.
Who do you work for and what do they do?
I work for Westinghouse, a nuclear fuel manufacturing facility producing fuel for UK nuclear power stations and international customers.
Why did you choose to become an apprentice?
I chose to become an apprentice because of the hands on experience and key skills I will receive. It’s also an excellent way to progress in the engineering industry through gaining valuable experience in the workplace. I also chose an apprenticeship as it will expand my knowledge through completing my degree.
What does your day in your work life involve?
I currently work in Product Design Group which involves writing qualifications for processes around fuel production and components used in nuclear reactors. Throughout my apprenticeship I will be moving placements around the Springfields business to gain experience in multiple engineering departments.
What do you enjoy and what is the best thing about being an apprentice?
The best part about being an apprentice is the opportunities that you gain from learning while experiencing a challenging work environment. Getting a degree while you work also allows you to save money and not have university debt to worry about.
What are your career plans and what would you like to be doing in 5 years’ time?
In 5 years’ time I hope to have successfully completed my bachelor’s degree and working competently in the nuclear industry at my current company.
What is your greatest achievement?
My greatest achievement would be the progression I have made in my career at such a young age. This is mainly down to the great opportunities I’ve had through hard work and getting onto a higher/degree apprenticeship program.
Give us one fun fact about yourself!
When I was younger I had blonde hair.
What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about becoming an apprentice?
Starting an apprenticeship will probably be the best decision you will make in your career. It not only puts you in a great position for your future but you also meet great people and make great friends along the way.
Also make sure that it’s something you’re interested in is an important part of starting an apprenticeship