Helen Jones
University of Central Lancashire
The University of Central Lancashire is a large higher education organisation, with 37,000 students and around 3,000 staff. We both deliver apprenticeship training courses at degree level, as well as helping our staff access apprenticeship training themselves. You can now get a UCLan degree by undertaking an apprenticeship which is very exciting for us delivering this as well as the potential apprentices.
Which type of Apprenticeships do you offer?
Team Leader level 3, Customer Service level 2, hospitality levels 2 and 3, chartered manager level 6, digital solutions level 6
Why did you choose to hire an apprentice?
We are working with existing staff members at present to upskill our workforce to meet current demands.
What benefits has your company seen from hiring apprentices?
Apprenticeships will aid our workforce planning, staff retention and career development for staff, as well as generating vital skills to delivery our ambitious strategy.
What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about becoming or hiring an apprentice?
Apprenticeships are an ideal solution to upskilling your workforce and for those undertaking an apprenticeship, it gives you the opportunity to learn hands on and to gain valuable qualifications.
Please tell us a positive story regarding apprenticeships that you can share?
The new approach to apprenticeships has enabled UCLan staff to benefit from enhancing their skills and knowledge through apprenticeship training courses. Our training providers have commended the commitment and attitude of our learners, who are all progressing their qualifications to a higher level, including degree level. This new opportunity helps staff grow and develop in their role and be ready for future promotion opportunities.