Name and Job Role
Craig Thompson. Team Leader for Applicants , Enrolments and Progression.
Which type of Apprenticeship are you doing or have you completed?
I have completed a Level 2 and Level 3 Apprenticeship in Business Administration. I am currently undertaking a Level 5 Leadership and Management Apprenticeship.
Who do you work for and what do they do?
I work at Preston’s College.
Why did you choose to become an apprentice?
I did not want to progress to full time university I wanted to carry on into work and training.
What does your day in your work life involve?
Line management of the applications, enrolments and progressions team. Inputting enrolments and communicating with learners.
What do you enjoy and what is the best thing about being an apprentice?
Knowing that support is available, developing skills and applying them in the workplace.
What are your career plans and what would you like to be doing in 5 years’ time?
I would like to put my level 5 into practice, continue to do what I enjoy and receive a higher salary in doing so.
What is your greatest achievement?
Working for Sport Interactive and contributing to worldwide computer games.
Give us one fun fact about yourself!
I regularly appear on football podcasts related to Australian and American soccer.
What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about becoming an apprentice?
Take your time, don’t be afraid to ask questions and clarify details.