Vanessa Carthy
Lancashire County Council
Which type of Apprenticeships do you offer?
Lancashire County Council have over 70 apprentice qualification from Level 3 to Level 7 available for all employees to access whether newly recruited or existing employees who wish to upskill. Lancashire are very proud to be able to provide apprentice training which, in partnership with local training providers, is of high quality and covers many areas of expertise, such as Social Care, Management, Administration, Schools and Highways to name but a few.
Why did you choose to hire an apprentice?
Apprentices have always been part of the fabric of Lancashire County Council as the investment in employees undertaking nationally recognised qualifications, are not only beneficial to employee development, but the wider economy of Lancashire. Since the introduction of the Apprentice Levy, the investment into apprentice training has increased. Working collaboratively with training providers, including two Lancashire Universities as enhanced our apprentice offer and additionality to the Council.
What benefits has your company seen from hiring apprentices?
The Authority undertakes a combination or recruiting new apprentices but has also identified the value in engaging existing employees and providing them with the opportunity to access apprentice training. The benefits of apprentices, where newly recruited or upskilling existing employees, provides these employees with the opportunity to learn on the job, for their understanding and skills to be stretched, to learn new skills, become occupationally competent and to progress in their chosen careers or progress to new areas of work – adding value to the workforce, the Council and the economy of Lancashire.
What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about becoming or hiring an apprentice?
Apprentice training is available to all – to all ages. We learn every day in work, but we just don’t realise it. Cease the opportunity to learn new skills, enrich your role and aspire to the next job role. Apprentice training is hard work, they are not just a tick in the box, be prepared to apply yourself to learning (on the job) ceasing every opportunity progress academically.
Please tell us a positive story regarding apprenticeships that you can share?
Apprenticeships have developed for the better and there are far more qualifications available via the Apprentice Levy for higher level qualifications, such as degrees and MBA/Msc’s. It is fabulous to see Managers undertaking apprentice qualifications alongside their team members (albeit at a different level) showing it’s never too late to learn and there is always something extra to learn.