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What is the Lancashire Skills Pledge?                                       

Businesses in Lancashire become part of the Lancashire Skills Pledge and register today!

Here at the Lancs Forum we like to practice what they preach as we not only promote being a member of the Lancashire Skills Pledge but are also an active member too since incorporation! 

Becoming a skills pledge member is really simple. If you are currently doing any of the 7 pledges below, or are interested in committing to one or more pledges you can register as a member. There are currently 127 Skills Pledge Members in Lancashire and perhaps you could add to the numbers to upskill Lancashire. 

The Lancashire Forum are also a Pledge Partner assisting in signing up new members to make pledges in relation to ‘Becoming an apprentice ambassador’ and ‘Taking on an apprentice.’ We work in partnership with the Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub to support the growth of apprenticeships in Lancashire, supporting the Lancashire Apprenticeship Action. Maybe you currently have an apprentice and are looking to become a member, if so please do not hesitate to let us know!

Being a member of the Lancashire Skills Pledge is a widely recognised commitment giving your business recognition for its commitments to upskill, recruit and inspire the people of Lancashire.

Make sure your hard work and commitment is recognised!

Benefits of signing to the Skills Pledge

  • One door to receive support from experts with extensive networks
  • Funded courses to upskill your staff, from your team members to your leaders
  • Support to recruit and widen your recruitment pool
  • Build a future pipeline of talent
  • Provides evidence of meeting social value outcomes in Lancashire
  • Opportunity for your team to engage with the local community
  • Personal development for your team
  • External validation of your business’s Corporate Social Responsibility activity
  • Positive publicity for your business
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Bradshawgate House,
1 Oak Street,
Accrington, Lancashire,

01254 306831